Unnamed Vr Game

Project Information

Info and start


This project is still work in progress

This project wasn't about the gameplay but more about the playerfeedback. We made a simple vr game that was able to give playerfeedback in more than one way.

My team was made out of 3 developers and no artists. We could choose the teams ourselves which was quite nice. At the end of our project we managed to finish the game just in time with only minutes to spare.

This game had no exact name, so we just called it the "Input&Output VR edition". The project started on 9 february 2021 and went on for a few weeks until 8th of april 2021.

After this period was over I realised I had tons of fun working with vr, but the project itself was stressful.

Extra Information


  • 3 Game Developers

  • Links:

    My part:

  • Modelling
  • Puzzle mechanics
  • Colliders
  • Design

  • Engine:

  • Unity - Version 2020.2.2f1
  • Visual Studio 2019

  • Hardware:

  • Pc/Laptop
  • Virtual Reality Glasses (Rift s, Oculus Rift)
  • Arduino

  • Language:

  • C#

  • Presentations:

    Start Date: 09-02-2021
    End Date: 08-04-2021