About Me

Personal Information

Life, interests and hobbies

Who Am I?

Hi, my name is Diego Ramon, I am 18 years old and a Game Development student at Media College Amsterdam.

I grew up and still live in the Netherlands.

I started coding around the year 2019. At the time i was not very good at it, but i was very interested and motivated in learning it. My journey of coding started by coding 3D object in Unity, and together with a friend i created a game at the end of 2019. This was a simple game where you had to dodge obstacles, but we had a ton of fun making this.
I love designing and making different mechanics and am very interested in 2d/VR Games. In my free time i sometimes code vr games and love designing them. Outside coding i play games too, mostly vr but also 2D/3D openworld games.

If im not coding or playing games. Im mostly doing sports/working out, or taking pitures for hobby; Photography


Exact information about me


Name: Diego Ramon

Age: 18 Years Old

Date of Birth: 20-11-2003

Gender: Male

Nationality: Dutch