Infiltrate: Babel

Project Information

Info and start


This was my last project of the second year, a project called Mythe

The idea behind this project was different from others. We were giving a subject and we had to create our own game around it.

This project started on 26 April of 2021. We got our teams quite fast and were able to start quickly aswell. My team was made of 2 game developers and 4 game artists. And from the start to end we barely had problems communicating together.
We made a game called 'Infiltrate: Babel' which takes place in the Tower of Babel. In this tower we have created a sneak game where you have to avoid enemies and go from door to door in order to make it to the top.

If I had to choose I would do this project all over again, but now with more knowledge and experience and fun.

Extra Information


  • 2 Game Developers
  • 4 Game Artists

  • My Part:

  • Ai detection
  • The proccesing of art
  • Level Building
  • UI

  • Links:


  • Unity - Version 2020.2.2f1
  • Visual Studio 2019

  • Language:

  • C#

  • Start Date: 26-04-2021
    End Date: 18-06-2021