Unnamed Game

Project Information

Info and start

Operation Starfall

This is my first project of my third year at school, so far this project is called "Operation StarFall".

The idea behind this game is 2.5D multiplayer game where you complete levels, kind of like Super mario bros.

This project started on 6 september of 2021. This team was decided by the teachers before the third year started. Only half of the class was selected due to several reasons like motivations.
As of making this website this project is still work in progress, our part will finish around 18th of November. From there on other people will start working on it.

This project so far is very fun and i've learned so many things i wouldn't be able to count them all.

Extra Information


  • 13 Developers
  • 1 Artist

  • My Part:

  • Force Field
  • camera Movement/Zoom
  • Item Pick/up

  • Links:


  • Unity - Version 2020.3.17f1
  • Jetbrains Rider 2021.2.1

  • Language:

  • C#

  • Start Date: 06-09-2021
    End Date: work-in-progress