
Project Information

Info and start


This project is still work in progress

This project was one of the twelf project ideas we could choose for our sprint. I chose this project because I have experience with VR and I wanted to use User Interface in VR.

I have made this project all on my own, only help from the internet. This project didn't really have a time limit, we only have to show our capabilities when it comes to the specific project we chose.

This game had no exact name, so for now I shall leave it as "VR UserInterface". The project started on 22nd of november 2021 and went on for 3 weeks until 10th of november 2021.

This sprint I will be working on getting an internship, after that period I will continue working on this VR project.

Extra Information


  • 1 Game Developer

  • Links:

    My part:

  • Modelling
  • Design
  • Coding

  • Engine:

  • Unity - Version 2020.3.17f1
  • Jetbrains Rider 2021.2.1

  • Hardware:

  • Pc/Laptop
  • Virtual Reality Glasses (Rift s, Oculus Rift)

  • Language:

  • C#

  • Presentations:

    Start Date: 22-11-2021
    End Date: 10-12-2021