
Project Information

Info and start

Vertical Slice

This project is called Vertical Slice, this was my second big project

The idea behind this project is that we had to choose an existing game, then take 10 seconds of gameplay of that game en recreate it. This thought was impossible at first, but we were quite satisfied witht he end result.

This project started on 16 November of 2020. My team was made of 3 game developers and 4 game artists. Now looking back at it, we could've done a lot of things better, but we still had tons of fun making in and I would love to do it again this way.
We recreated a game called CupHead. This was quite challenging since it was a high detailed game. But together we managed to complete it with only little things missing or incomplete.

This project is my second favourite of all.

Extra Information + Links


  • 3 Game Developers
  • 4 Game Artists

  • My Part:

  • Movement
  • Animations
  • Level Building/Assembling

  • Links:


  • Unity - Version 2019.3.12f1

  • Language:

  • C#

  • Start Date: 16-11-2020
    End Date: 21-12-2020