Project Information

Info and start

Vertical Slice2

This was my third big project, the sequence of Vertical Slice called: Vertical Slice 2.

Like the last project we had to recreate a game froma certain list, but this time we had to make this game without help of any game-artists.

This was my very first project of 2021. In this game we recreated "Grand Theft Auto 2". This was alot of fun to do, but we did start a little to late. But in the end we had a result which even surprised us.
This was one of many games we could've chosen, but there was a reason we chose this. Not only was this a top down game, but this also gave back memories of when we played it. With all those combined we decidede that this would be the game we would recreate.

I would love to do this project again, and this time I would start in time.

Extra Information


  • 3 Game Developers

  • My Part:

  • Movement
  • Design
  • Weapons

  • Links:


  • Unity - Version 2020.2.2f1

  • Language:

  • C#

  • Start Date: 21-01-2021
    End Date: 03-02-2021